Weekly Summary: 23 July – 29 July 2012

Monday, 23 July
PM: 45mins w/up, 1km intervals, 20mins c/down ~ Bedok Reservoir
Legs feeling quite okay despite not doing a cool down after yesterday’s race. First loop around reservoir with Shankar was good. Wanted to go out hard initially, but thought that was quite meaningless if I was to run by myself, so instead tried to pace him along and he did well! Legs felt quite good so I went for a second ‘serving’. Since I’m done racing and preparing for enlistment, coach gave me some pacing duties! The juniors are quite strong actually. They kept a faster pace than what coach asked for. Yea if they’re willing to work hard, I don’t see how we can’t be a challenge to other teams.

Met a friendly stranger during cool down and had a brief chat with him. Cool guy, heading to New York for the NYC Marathon, and he just completed a 20km+ run at the reservoir. Cheers, all the best for your race! The running community is amazing. Thank You Jesus! 🙂

Tuesday, 24 July
Took the day off today for the legs to recover. Got the army stuffs ready, and wow, time really flies. Enlisting in less than a weeks’ time. Whatever comes, I still got to trust in God’s plan and seek Him! No excuses.

Wednesday, 25 July
PM: 45mins w/up, Drills & Plyo, 20mins c/down ~ TP Track
Quite an easy day today considering the amount of work done. But the warmup killed me a little. The legs felt so so bad I almost wanted to give up (haven’t felt like this in a long while). I felt like I couldn’t move them as fluidly and that feeling is just terrible. Felt quite bad throughout until the cooldown. Cracked some jokes, and am going to miss times like this.

Coke’s last training today and he is enlisting next Tuesday. Going to miss you buddy! Always remember in the past, where we always paced each other. He called me his personal ‘GPS’, and we’d always knock 100seconds per lap around the track consistently. Really enjoyed those days with him! All the best! 😀

Thursday, 26 July
AM: 61mins ~ ECP
Morning run was not that great. Legs weren’t too fine but it was done anyways!

Thank you.

Friday, 27 July
Took some time off today from running and spent some quality time with brother Jason. It’s been awhile.

“What would Jesus do?”

Saturday, 28 July
AM: 2hours ~ ECP
Unplanned 2hour run. It was definitely painful in the beginning, but things got smoother as the run progressed. Saw the tri team training at ECP and it’s really encouraging to know that others are working hard, early in the morning! This, is the last long run.

God was so real this morning! I was running on the park connector and I saw that there was a really hot and sunny path right ahead. So I spoke to God and asked if He could shade it for me. Then I heard a voice telling me, “Close your eyes, and trust Me.” And so I did. I kept running, and it felt cooling, like as if I was still running in the shade. Then I opened my eyes, and saw that the path was actually shaded! It’s so amazing that God wants to be involved even in little things like this if we choose to allow Him to be involved. Don’t believe? Try Him. 🙂

Sunday, 29 July
Happy Birthday, to myself. 🙂

Feel so so so blessed today. God is so good, to have placed these people in my life, to encourage me. And I’m really thankful for all your kind wishes and prayers. Enlistment is coming soon, and I know God will use me. I just need to take that step of faith, to be willing to be used by Him. The tasks may seem overwhelming, but if I allow, Jesus can do all things through me! 😀

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This week was quite packed so I ran less. Busy preparing for enlistment, physically, mentally, and spiritually. Well, if God is with me, He’s all I need yea!

Once again I really want to thank God for who He is, and all He’s done for me (and you). I can’t stop saying how good He is, because that’s a fact! For all that we are, we are undeserving, but He things otherwise. Where do you find such love?! THANK YOU JESUS! 😀

This will be the last log because I won’t be training at this level at intensity anymore (not in the near future). Looking back, it’s really such a miracle. Those double sessions, or 3-hour long runs, seemed so impossible. To even think of myself running 25 laps around the track is already so overwhelming given the background I used to have. Surely, it is not me, but God working through me. Yes, there were up times, and down times, but this journey has been fulfilling. To look back and see the hand of God moving in my life, I feel so privileged to just be used by Him, that He even calls me worthy.

If you haven’t, you NEED to experience God, first-hand.

Thank you for reading.

Weekly Summary: 16 July – 22 July 2012

Monday, 16 July
PM: 26mins w/up, 1km intervals, 10mins c/down
Chilly day today. Air was cold but the body was working well. The intervals were hard but still manageable. The guys ran hard and ran well, amazing timings! Will be a tough week, trying to restrict myself from running too much and not knowing what to do with the excess energy. Haha.

“Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will make you fishers of men.” – Matthew 4:19

Tuesday, 17 July
PM: 45mins, Core ~ TP Track
Tough run today especially in the second half. Felt like almost couldn’t breathe and legs were tight all over. Still great to have gotten this quick session in.

Today the Lord challenged me if I was running to gain approval from men or from Him. When I come to think about it, it’s really tough. To just head out there to run alone and be in His presence, or to run at a more crowded place so people can “see” you run. Hmm, it’s a very gray area in my opinion and requires constant checking of the heart. You don’t have to make the popular choice, or a choice that makes you feel good.

Sometimes you just need to be obedient to God, and know that even though what you’re doing now doesn’t make sense, God has the best plan for you in mind.

Wednesday, 18 July
PM: 20mins (treadmill), 22mins w/up, 400m intervals, 15mins c/down ~ TP Track
Still feeling uncomfortable when breathing hard, especially when on the treadmill in the gym (altitude simulation..?). Some kind of pain in the lower part of the ribs, though it’s not the first time, I know it’ll take awhile to go away. Main intervals were, painful. But I really believed that those treadmill sessions (on incline) has helped strengthen the mind tremendously. Last workout done before raceday on Sunday. Not expecting much out of it. But will be giving my best for Jesus. 🙂

Thursday, 19 July
PM: 45mins, Core ~ TP Track
Don’t know why but the recovery runs always feel quite tough especially when they’re done in circles on the field. But today’s run felt just like Tuesday’s. Ah, not many runs left. 🙂

Friday, 20 July
Decided for a break today just to allow the body more rest. Legs are good, all is well.

Saturday, 21 July
AM: 31mins ~ Bedok
Took a short half an hour of running to get the legs rolling for tomorrow’s race. Bedok is quite “hilly” if you know where to run. Hahaha. By hilly I meant running up 10m slopes or stairs. Raceday tomorrow, let’s go!

Sunday, 22 July
AM: 20mins w/up, 10km (RACE) ~ ECP
Race day! Will reserve another post for the race report. But in short, the race was a really enjoyable one. It was pretty flat and I liked it. Really enjoyed this one! Church and St. Games afterwards. Crazy day of playing games. Haha.

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Cut down on running this week for the race. The schedule works quite well and I felt quite fresh during the race actually.

Really thankful to God for this gift of running. It has taught me so much, and it’s also through this sport that I got to meet so many friends! Training can be tough at times, but at the end of the day, it builds you up as a person. I know that For the past week I’ve not really enjoyed my runs. Especially during the recovery runs. Still seeking the peace and joy of running without and expectations of performance. But I know God is working. 🙂

Weekly Summary: 09 July – 15 July 2012

Monday, 09 July
AM: Core
PM: 20mins (treadmill), 22mins w/up, 400m intervals, 12mins c/down
Tough day today. The treadmill session really left me empty, plus the lack of rest (from running) yesterday. By the second set of the main intervals, I knew I was running on empty (physically), but the boys (Coke, Boonkian, Junren, Aaron, Mark, Jireh, Jacky, Roshan, Vicknesh) kept me going.

Seeing Boonkian worshiping the Lord, I was encouraged and told myself that Jesus’ athlete never quits. And with Junren telling me that God answered his prayers and gave him the strength to complete the workout (he ran a stronger second half), I was even more encouraged. Yes, one workout completed, but more importantly, another brick of resilience was added to the ‘wall’.

Tuesday, 10 July
PM: 61mins ~ TP Field
Was a dreadful recovery run this evening. I was out alone (for the most part), and running laps made things harder. The body is not really feeling at its best, and the legs feel heavy. You can call it, going through the motion.

I was just being reminded that everything I do, should have a purpose. To start, with an end in mind. To look at the bigger picture. Every little thing that you do today, has its consequences tomorrow. True, yes? If we work with such an attitude, things will actually seem more, positive. Less quitters, and more people will ‘make it’. Focus on the purpose, and waste no time on everything else that is meaningless. Even if it means taking small steps today, you know you are progressing towards your goal, and you’ll eventually reach it.

Wednesday, 11 July
AM: Core
PM: 20mins (treadmill), 22mins w/up, Drills ~ TP Track
Didn’t get to do much today since the sudden downpour forced us to call of the intervals. Instead we did some core exercises, which left my arms really sore (foresee aching arms tomorrow).

Thursday, 12 July
PM: 61mins ~ ECP
Fun day today. Never knew I could have so much fun just doing a recover run on the same route that I always use. Today, I just blocked out all the concrete paths and ran on the grass beside it. Wherever there was green, I ran on them. It adds a fun element into the run by just jumping around obstacles (tree trunks, potholes, drains). And not forgetting, beach along ECP that drains out all your energy because running on sand is not fun. Overall, thankful that I did not suffer from any strains. And, God is fun. 🙂

RunNat Ministry meeting in the evening was, inspiring. The gathering of brothers and sisters never disappoints. Knowing that being around these people, you can truly be yourself without feeling judged. And they genuinely care for you and your growth in God. So amazing how God works and reveals Himself. Am very refreshed (or amused) to know that God cares about everything, yes EVERYTHING. Even the littlest details in your life, like what you eat, what car you drive, or what clothes you wear. If you involve Him, you will be amazed.

Friday, 13 July
PM: 48mins (treadmill) ~ TP
Long climbing session on the treadmill today. Since I can’t find a slope long enough to climb on, the treadmill works fine. It is a completely new experience for me since I never knew how painful it was to climb a consistent hill, but today I experienced it. Yes, painful is the word, but all the perseverance developed on the track taught me to hold on. To hold on, and press on when the going gets tough, especially when the going gets tough. Because it is then, when your true character is shown and developed.

Saturday, 14 July
AM: 1hr 47mins ~ TP to ECP
One of my favourite runs ever this morning. The weather was cold and chilly, and the pace was not mind-blowing. I couldn’t ask for more. Was just happily pacing Shuyuan out for 20km and enjoying the run. Yes it got sore towards the end when I decided to move off, but the whole experience was very enjoyable.

Sunday, 15 July
“Then he said to them, “The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath.”” – Matthew 2:27

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This week was a, ‘slow’ week. Intensity and volume were both low. I enjoyed it though. It was like finally I could take things easy and not give the body too much stress. The earlier part of the week was tough because I was still recovering from last week’s high volume, but things got better.

Next week is going to be tough. Less running, and all that excess energy has to go somewhere, right..? Haha. Well I’m sure it will be alright since I’ve decided to make the most out of my last 2 weeks.

2 weeks, countdown to enlistment.

Weekly Summary: 02 July – 08 July 2012

Monday, 02 July
AM: Core
PM: 23mins w/up, 300m intervals, 30mins c/down
Tough big workout today. Didn’t really ‘complete’ it because timings were not met. Don’t know what I’m doing sometimes, running so much during cooldown. I’m distracted from running shorter distances competitively, and I’m beginning to gear up for the longer distances, beyond the marathons. It’s a journey into the unknown, but I’m willing to take the risk.

Is this what the Lord has called me to do? I don’t know. But I hope through running, lives can be impacted and changed.

Tuesday, 03 July
AM: 60mins ~ ECP
Ran into one of the strongest headwind I ever encountered. The weather was scary and chilly. Legs got looser as the run progressed, and it was a good run overall!

Wednesday, 04 July
AM: Core
PM: 30mins (treadmill), 22mins w/up, PLYO, 30mins c/down
Did a varying run on the treadmill today. Consisted of some slopes and flats. Yes it left me tired, but I enjoyed the challenge. Training was okay, working on strength and power once more.

Thursday, 05 July
PM: 2hr 45mins ~ ECP > Changi > Tampines > HOME
Tough first 1.5 hours. Calves were so sore and legs just didn’t feel right. Only after the half-way water break then things started to pick up. The first half was relatively flat but it was tough. Especially when there was a long stretch of park connector that stretched out to 8km along Changi. Really challenged my mind. Exiting Changi, there were some climbs, which I really enjoyed. Tested the legs especially when it started to get fatigued. Final break at Tampines (TP) and I think I over-hydrated that caused some stomach problems. Thankful to have completed the run without any injuries though I did feel some pain during the run.

Taking my small little toddler steps into the ‘Ultra’ world. Being slow and cautious, hoping it won’t risk getting hurt. The journey can be long, and painful, but I know it won’t be lonely. Looking back, it’s such a miracle that I’m able to do such long runs now. By my own strength, surely I didn’t see this coming. I didn’t even desire to run more than a lap around the track, and now..

How God moves through my life, leaves me speechless. Since I’m here already, on this journey with Him, may it be fruitful, and not just involve me alone!

Friday, 06 July
PM: 32mins ~ Bedok > Tanah Merah
“Yogging” around the estate today to loosen the legs. Really needed this. But I figured out that the body is beginning to adapt to the longer runs, and I don’t feel as sore as I did previously (two weeks ago). Recovery time is getting shorter, but the legs still feel trashed.

Evening Bible study left us with much to reflect upon. Hmm.

Saturday, 07 July
AM: 91mins ~ TP > ECP
Long run this AM. Never felt so bad in a long while. Bad in terms of pace, but to be honest, I was happy that I ran so much! Thankful to God for the ability to run through the pain.

Sunday, 08 July
PM: 70mins Prayer Run ~ Redhill
Prayer run this afternoon was good. Many turned up to pray for this community that extended to near city area. Met some new people too during the run, and it was really nice for them to pray for me before enlistment. Meeting people like this really encourages me. To know that, there are people out there who still love God so much! God is good!

. . . . .

One week flew by, so quickly. Can’t remember any significant things that I did, so have I been wasting too much time?

“If those days had not been cut short, no one would survive, but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened.” – Matthew 24:22

Ran much this week, and got a revelation from God. What is the purpose of running? People run after personal bests, championships, prize money, fame, for charity, for fun. But as followers of Christ, what is our ultimate (and only) purpose of running?

Weekly Summary: 25 June – 01 July 2012

Monday, 25 June
AM: Core
PM: 22mins w/up, 300m intervals, 32mins c/down ~ TP Track
Rather okay workout this evening. Getting some good pacing into the workout for the most part. Trying to stay relaxed and more focused during the workout, which really helps.

5 weeks of serious stuff left, counting down.

Tuesday, 26 June
AM: 42mins ~ ECP
Tough tough morning run. Rolling along at an easy pace. Really reluctant to head out initially, due to the lack of sleep, and forseeing a long day. But, just got to get it done. Come on!

Wednesday, 27 June
AM: Core
PM: 44mins w/up (tempo), Plyo, 26mins c/down
Manageable tempo which I really enjoyed. Just moving, and pushing along in the later part of the run. Some strength (power) work afterwards that tested our sprinting skills. Haha, miss those days.

Thursday, 28 June
PM: 1hr 42mins ~ TP Field
Long, mentally challenging run. Running was confined to a soccer field. Good to have gotten this run in to work the feet muscles and the mind. Also thankful for the company of Alvin and JunRen! Time to recover!

Friday, 29 June
PM: 26mins, Drills, Strides ~ TP Field
Kind of a mini ‘workout’ during today’s run, fartlek style. Followed by some strengthening drills which left my calves really sore. Stayed behind to catch the juniors doing their time trial. Timings are very encouraging, and I’m sure they can do better with some improvements here and there.

Saturday, 30 June
AM: 60mins ~ ECP
Intended to do a long long run this morning. Bu the early morning tightness killed it. Calves were feeling too bad for me to move too long. And I took many stops along the run. Completed an easy hour run though and kept the mileage for this week low. Let the legs recover, before going further next week.

Life can be like that sometimes. The going gets tough, and only the strong press on, to live a resilient life. Many trials can be thrown our way, will we say it’s too tough and avoid it (or give up), or will we choose to focus on the Prize, and pass the many trials?

Sunday, 01 July
Church Carnival! Days like these I enjoy, no stress of running. And surely, worshiping God, nothing beats that!

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As the weeks progressed, I noticed that I don’t even know what I’m doing sometimes. Like, I run so much, knowing that it serves no purpose in the immediate future. Building endurance for the long-term? That’s the only reason I can come up with. The focus has changed.

The short races (10km up to marathons) have built such a hostile environment. Many join races just to win. Should not we be helping one another to raise the standard of running in our country? Is winning, really everything?

Who am I to judge.

Weekly Summary: 18 June – 24 June 2012

Monday, 18 June
AM: Core
PM: 22mins w/up, 300m intervals, 26mins c/down ~ TP Track
Felt a little tired during training today. Probably due to the lack of sleep this morning. Still, I’d consider it a good workout done! 2.4km TT on Wednesday.

Feel that God is challenging me to surrender some things that I hold so dearly to my heart. Of course, He wants me to surrender everything to Him, but for the things that I hold more dearly, it is really a challenge. Afterall, He is the God of all, what makes me think I know better than He does?

Got a chance to share about God’s message with Milton today. I’m really glad that he asks questions and seems more receptive than before. I pray that his heart will continue to soften towards God, and for all the little seeds that Christians have planted in his heart, I know God will water them. To you who are reading this, take some time, pray for my friend, please. Thank you.

Tuesday, 19 June
AM: 60mins ~ ECP
Early morning runs are such a pain. But you just got to do it.

RunNat recce in the afternoon and spending some time with coach is always something I look forward to! She always has so much wise words. Blessed to have a great coach.

Wednesday, 20 June
PM: 15mins w/up, 2.4km TT, 15mins c/down
Was so excited for today’s time trial, especially when I get to ‘race’ with the guys (Alvin, Milton and Lui Hua). We’ve only trained together, but never really raced together before. Prior to our ‘race’, I was really encouraged to see the juniors run, and cheering one another on.

Thursday, 21 June
AM: Core
PM: 2hr 51mins ~ Bedok > ECP > Marina Barrage > Lau Par Sat > Esplanade > Singapore Flyer > Mountbatten > East Coast > HOME
Indeed a crazy run this evening, don’t even ask me why. But I enjoyed the run though it was mentally more challenging. Tried to hydrate as often as I can during the earlier parts of the run, but towards the end I could feel the lack of energy more than being thirsty. Surprisingly, legs were feeling pretty fine. Visualization of the UTMB video during the run was really helpful and kept me going. I really want to attempt some ultras in the future, and talking about it already makes me feel excited! 😀

Very thankful to God for this gift of running. Being a sinner, I initially wanted to run for selfish desires. To run for my own glory, to win prizes, to be recognized. And even til today, I’m still learning to use it for His glory. To run, so His love and message can be made known to everyone. Help us Lord!

Friday, 22 June
PM: 30mins ~ Bedok
Easy jog today to loosen the legs a little. Not much highlights.

Saturday, 23 June
AM: 91mins ~ TP to ECP
An easy long run today, with the first half covered in coversational pace. Thanks LuiHua, for hearing me out! Runs are much easier, with company. Though it was the same old route, time passed faster this time. And for the second half of the run, things started to hurt bad. Long run done, proper.

Happy Saturday! 🙂

Sunday, 24 June
Kind of feeling ‘off’ today. St. Hilda’s outreach, which gave the kids to gather again. Good to see them, and also it’s the last day of their term break. School’s up tomorrow.

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July is arriving soon. To be honest, I’m actually feeling a little upset.  5 more Sundays, and I consider myself ‘detached’ from the world. Into NS, and a whole new adaptation to take place. Adaptation to people, to the environment, and whatever challenges that throw itself at me. Great, why am I getting all, emotional.

Whatever time is left, cherish it, and make full use of it. Do what I have to do. Get it done, run the race with no regrets.

Weekly Summary: 11 June – 17 June 2012

Monday, 11 June
AM: Core
PM: 61mins, Drills, Strides ~ TP Track
Recovery day today after yesterday’s race. Supposed to be easy, but it turned out otherwise. Always feeling that I can do so much more, and I guess if I overwork, things won’t look good.

Running, is a God-given talent. And I must always be reminded to be grateful to the Giver of this gift, otherwise I’ll end up worshiping the gift than the gift Giver.

Tuesday, 12 June
PM: 60mins ~ ECP
Legs still feeling so sore from all that running. And with the nagging pain in heel, it doesn’t help but make me worry. Hoping that the legs are okay, and will hold up for the remaining 1.5 months.

Wednesday, 13 June
AM: 16mins w/up, 400m intervals, 15mins c/down ~ Pasir Ris Park
5am, dark and cold, hitting the road alone and doing intervals, really can’t help but question why I’m doing this. Nonetheless, great workout done though. Really surprised by what the body can do when your mind sings the opposite tune.

Day 1 of AIC 2012. Leading as a team captain this year is a worrying job for me. Firstly I don’t enjoy talking, and now I have to try to interact and engage with the members. Secondly, these are young kids, and I really must try to get my points across with the simplest of words possible. Lots of thinking involved, but I’m privileged to be chosen.

Thursday, 14 June
AM: 60mins ~ Pasir Ris
Tough early run this AM. Quite a hilly route with some long climbs which was just tough. Always remember to press on when the going gets tough, because that’s when you really know what you’re made of.

AIC 2012 day 2: Amazing Race. Basically it lasted for 7 hours, under the hot sun. From Pasir Ris, to Tampines, and back. The team was just dragging themselves on tired legs from one location to another, but none gave up. I could hardly even hear them complain and they silently persevered. At the end of the day, we all got to know one another better!

Friday, 15 June
Final day of AIC. We played hard, gave our best, and the results really didn’t matter. Great relationships are formed, and this is what we’ll remember. Not the games we won or lost. I’m thankful to God for this chance to serve. The youths are so passionate and energetic, and special in their very own way. And not forgetting those who helped and encouraged me along the way, I truly appreciate it. Thank You Jesus.

Saturday, 16 June
AM: Core
PM: 1hr 43mins long run ~ Bedok Reservoir
Tough long run today and the last half of the run was done mostly at jogging pace. Early into the run, a friendly runner tagged along, so we went at a pretty quick pace. And thinking it was manageable, I pushed along with him, but soon when he stopped, I realised I could not keep it up any longer. Tired body probably due to the bad flu I caught last night.

Sunday, 17 June
HAPPY FATHER’S DAY! Cheers, to all fathers in the world.

My father is my first hero. The most vivid memory I can remember of him, is that he could fix it all. From my Tamiya racing cars, to anything else that is broken (lamps, switches, etc). I wanted to be like him, until I grew up, and became rebellious. We spoke less, and I cared less. Then I found Christ.

He loved me, and taught me to love my family. Now I’m no more a frustrated teenager. I learned to love, because God first loved me. And I thank my Abba Father for my earthly father.

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The main highlight for the week was AIC Camp. Indeed, it was a gamechanging experience for me. Being my first year leading as a team captain, I didn’t have any experience, nor any ‘tips’ or tricks. But I just prayed to God to lead and guide by His spirit, and sure enough, God never fails. Never.

Punggol Waterway Passion Active Run 2012

Colin, Milton, Yong Wang, Me, Shuyuan, Lui Hua

My first individual road race in a year and a half. Looking back, it’s amazing what God has done through my life, and through running especially. How far He has taken me, surely I did not see this coming two years ago.

Tucked myself nicely in bed at 11pm the previous night, but only fell asleep at around 1am. Pre-race nervousness you call it? 4 hours of sleep and that’s all I got. I love race day mornings, for the surprise of what’s going to come later on in the day. You never know what’s going to come before or during the race, or how you’re going to perform. But you still try to do everything perfectly, hoping that these tiny little things will give you a confidence boost.

After picking Milton up from the cab, we met Shuyuan where her dad has kindly offered to send us to Punggol! I initially expected the race to be a really low-key one, and I placed my hope in that, until 15minutes before the race commenced, and I saw the many who assembled at the start line. You can say majority of Singapore’s elite runners were there, but it actually got me even more excited. To see how these guys (and girls) run, and to even just meet them in person.

I’d say I was really warmed up for the race, and knew I was going to set a new personal best. When the gun sounded, I just tucked myself nicely behind the elite men, but soon I knew I was going too fast so I slowed things down a little and try to keep the pace manageable. Not too far ahead, I could see Milton, running with the leading men, but he was too far away for me to call out to him to slow down. Moments later, Anne Date came from behind and I decided I was going to follow closely to her because her personal best is also the personal best I was aiming for. So for the early part of the race, I was running beside her, and Milton was within sight but I wasn’t going to waste precious energy to chase him.

Throughout the race, there were some gentle, and some not so gentle ups and downs. The steeper ones made me hurt, while the gentle ones made me lose my momentum. There was plenty of overtaking done until the halfway mark of the race, where I realised I expended too much energy during the early stages. The legs were starting to hurt quite badly, and the pace slowed consistently. A few runners were catching up and overtaking me. The gap between Milton and I was closing quite quickly in the second half of the race, and at about the 6km mark, I caught up with him and we paced each other.

He didn’t hang on with me for long before he picked up the pace. I could not keep up, so I let him go. One final big climb toward the end of the race, before we were back on the road toward the finishing line. Anne Date dropped off before the halfway mark into the race, and this time she caught up with me towards the end. She kicked, and I followed. I saw the clock, and I knew I was going to do a sub-39mins, so I just kept it going beside her, and cheered her on towards the finishing line.

She placed 1st, and I placed 18th, with a timing of 38mins and 34secs. 🙂

The adrenaline of running a race is addictive, and it can be compared closely to our spiritual walk with God. You just accepted Christ, and you’re on fire for Him. You serve and serve, and you suffer burnout, and the Church does not see you again. God wants us to be consistent in our walk with Him. We need to pace ourselves. To spend time with Him daily on a consistent basis, so we do not suffer from burnout too easily.

And when the going gets tough, we press on, not give up. Though I admit, halfway into the race I already felt like giving up because of the pain, but I knew I must persevere, for Jesus did not give up on His way to calvary. When trials and persecution come, we don’t give up on Jesus. We focus on Him, and He will see us through.

This race has been a good experience for me. Some moments are not penned down here, but of course I remember them vividly. One final race coming up, before enlistment.

Not forgetting, we’re always participating in this race, the race towards the eternal prize.

Are you prepared for it?

Weekly Summary: 04 June – 10 June 2012

Monday, 04 June
PM: 33mins w/up, 500m intervals, 15mins c/down
Really enjoyed today’s training, though it was tough and my lungs were working hard! Good to know that form has improved slightly, but still got more work to do. Always aiming to be perfect, and practice makes permanent. 😉

Tuesday, 05 June
PM: 52mins ~ ECP
Tough run tonight. Should have known better than to do a run when I’m already feeling bad. Just glad I held up during the run.

Got the Garmin out for a spin tonight, and I was like obsessed with the pace and distance. Haha. It’s good to get feedback on the watch, but it becomes unhealthy when you keep checking it all the time.

Wednesday, 06 June
PM: 14mins w/up, 1km intervals, 16mins c/down
Really crazy final workout before raceday. Legs were burning and just hanging on to whatever is left. It’s good to push the body beyond its limits at times, but you got to prepare to hurt. When you run without looking at your watch, be ready to expect some unexpected (good and bad) timings.

Let go, and allow God to guide you. Be ready to take that one step of faith everytime, just one little step. Don’t expect God to show you the full picture, He won’t. Don’t allow knowledge (timing) to restrict you. Run freely, and God will amaze you. 🙂

Thursday, 07 June
AM: 62mins ~ Bedok to Simei
As usual, morning runs are tough. 30mins is tough enough, talk about twice that duration. Couldn’t have survived if I stuck to my usual route. So decided to surprise myself by ‘exploring’ the neighborhood. Of course, I knew where I was going, but I just wanted some variations in the run.

Finally got my long-awaited massage at Aunty Rosa’s! Enjoyed it so much, but also know I can’t do this all the time because it’s costly! Ah, countdown! 3 days!

Friday, 08 June
PM: 40mins ~ TP Track
Got my last run in before the race! Trying to get all the work done, though I know last minute work doesn’t work. Trying to stay relaxed and not think too much about the race, though it excites me everytime I think about it! Haha.

Saturday, 09 June
Off day before race! Trying to do everything in a ‘perfect’ manner so that the race will unfold smoothly tomorrow. Funny how athletes need to get the tiniest of details right, and one bad move prior to the race can easily spoil the race.

Sunday, 10 June
AM: 15mins w/up, 10km Race (Road), 10mins c/down ~ Punggol
PM: 60mins Prayer Run ~ Woodlands
Great race this morning. Happy to have gotten a PB, but I know there’s room for improvement. Legs are feeling bad right now. But I’ll leave my race report to another post. Stay tuned. 😉

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Focus of the week was entirely on the race. I really enjoyed the race, and had much fun. But yet, the joy of attaining a PB seems so short-lived. Yes, indeed I ran faster, but when I look back at the race, there’s so much more I can improve on. And I’m already thinking about running faster for my next race. It’s like always about getting faster and faster, when will this end?

Nonetheless, I’m still very thankful that God has given me this passion to run. It’s always a desire to give Him my best, knowing that the results are in His hands. To train hard, and run this race hard, focusing only on the eternal prize that’s in Jesus alone. That’s my goal.

Weekly Summary: 28 May – 03 June 2012

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” – Romans 8:28

Monday, 28 May
PM: 22mins w/up, 1km intervals, 15mins c/down
Pretty tough stuff today. And I think I over-exerted myself during warmup, which jeopardized my workout. Really thankful to have the guys with me today during workout, and coach even told them to pace me, which I felt bad for. But anyways, the team will always be there for each other, and with the guys’ races over, and mine coming up in 2 weeks’ time, they are working hard to help me. Thank you!

So many times during a tough set, there’ll be these two annoying voices in your head. One yelling at you to give up (or slow down) and the other whispering to you to press on. I know no matter how tired I am or how painful the body feels, I must not allow that whisper to be drowned by all that screaming. Because when we hang on to even the littlest of hopes, the outcome will surprise us.

Which voice will you listen to?

Tuesday, 29 May
PM: 60mins ~ ECP
An hour run done late in the evening  because I was impatiently waiting for the parcel of shoes to arrive. Well since it didn’t, I’m sure it’ll arrive tomorrow. I was quite hesitant about today’s run, because I experienced some pain in the bottom of my left foot yesterday during training. Thank God both my feet felt quite okay during the run, and it was a good run actually, so I made it a harder effort run. My spiritual life and running are sometimes comparable, I run well when I feel good, just like how I perceive that I am closer to God when I feel good.

But the fact is that we do not have to allow our spiritual life (or sometimes, our emotions) to be determined by how we feel. The more we allow external factors to determine the way we behave, the more ‘unstable’ we become. No matter if I feel good, or bad, God is always there and He will always love me because of who He is, not who I am or what I’ve done. Thank You Father! 🙂

Wednesday, 30 May
AM: Core
PM: 10mins w/up, 5km, Drills & plyo ~ TP Track
Light running today, more focus on drills and other strengthening exercises. Though there was not much running, my legs really hurt bad from the exercises.

Sometimes, running can be more than just running. It is so dynamic. You need to experience it yourself. It is more than just running, you need to work on your core, your stability, sprinting shorter distances, and recovery. It’s definitely more than just reading digits off the gadgets when you run, you need to feel the run, and stay connected. Don’t understand? Experience it yourself!

Thursday, 31 May
PM: 79mins ~ TP Track/Field
Easy recovery run evolved into a beast. Hahaha. Legs were hurting very bad from yesterday’s exercises and it took more than 40mins into the run before things got less taxing.

Seriously, why did I even think of running so long today? I honestly always feel that if I wanted to take running to the next level, I had to run more, quality runs of course. I guess this is the area about running which I always struggle with. Rest is a part of training, yes, but I do not feel secure enough to do that. Well I guess the output is dependent on the input, only to a certain extent before the relationship becomes inversely related. I just hope that I won’t have to learn things the hard way.

Friday, 01 June
AM: Core
PM: 52mins ~ ECP
Can’t describe how my legs felt when I woke up this morning. Like as if a truck ran over it, again, and again, and again.. Haha. Terrible feeling. Still, I got out of the door for a slow run, unwillingly. Indeed, legs felt better after that recovery run!

Have been running with people more frequently nowadays, and I’m beginning to appreciate it. But still, there’s always something attractive about going out there, just you and the road. Don’t ask me how, go do it, and you’ll know. 😉

Saturday, 02 June
AM: 90mins ~ TP to ECP
Really really painful run this morning. Legs have accumulated soreness from Wednesday and Thursday’s runs. Long and painful 90mins but I knew it was important to not give up, though at many points during the run, I felt like doing so. Again, it was the struggle of listening to the positive whispers, and not the negative yells! Got to appreciate tomorrow’s rest day. Race in a weeks’ time!

Sunday, 03 June
Finally got the much needed rest day. Had a deep sleep last night that recharged the body! Time spent in church, and playing games over dessert today. Full-time athlete lifestyle, haha.

“You do not need to get good to get God. You get God and become good.”

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High volume week, and a week left til raceday. Excited, and maybe feeling a tiny bit stressed because of expectations I’ve set for myself. Though I know timings don’t matter very much, it’ll be nice to break a personal best, and finish in a good spot. Next week will be a tough one, trying not to run too much, and just keep myself busy with other stuffs!