Weekly Summary: 18 June – 24 June 2012

Monday, 18 June
AM: Core
PM: 22mins w/up, 300m intervals, 26mins c/down ~ TP Track
Felt a little tired during training today. Probably due to the lack of sleep this morning. Still, I’d consider it a good workout done! 2.4km TT on Wednesday.

Feel that God is challenging me to surrender some things that I hold so dearly to my heart. Of course, He wants me to surrender everything to Him, but for the things that I hold more dearly, it is really a challenge. Afterall, He is the God of all, what makes me think I know better than He does?

Got a chance to share about God’s message with Milton today. I’m really glad that he asks questions and seems more receptive than before. I pray that his heart will continue to soften towards God, and for all the little seeds that Christians have planted in his heart, I know God will water them. To you who are reading this, take some time, pray for my friend, please. Thank you.

Tuesday, 19 June
AM: 60mins ~ ECP
Early morning runs are such a pain. But you just got to do it.

RunNat recce in the afternoon and spending some time with coach is always something I look forward to! She always has so much wise words. Blessed to have a great coach.

Wednesday, 20 June
PM: 15mins w/up, 2.4km TT, 15mins c/down
Was so excited for today’s time trial, especially when I get to ‘race’ with the guys (Alvin, Milton and Lui Hua). We’ve only trained together, but never really raced together before. Prior to our ‘race’, I was really encouraged to see the juniors run, and cheering one another on.

Thursday, 21 June
AM: Core
PM: 2hr 51mins ~ Bedok > ECP > Marina Barrage > Lau Par Sat > Esplanade > Singapore Flyer > Mountbatten > East Coast > HOME
Indeed a crazy run this evening, don’t even ask me why. But I enjoyed the run though it was mentally more challenging. Tried to hydrate as often as I can during the earlier parts of the run, but towards the end I could feel the lack of energy more than being thirsty. Surprisingly, legs were feeling pretty fine. Visualization of the UTMB video during the run was really helpful and kept me going. I really want to attempt some ultras in the future, and talking about it already makes me feel excited! 😀

Very thankful to God for this gift of running. Being a sinner, I initially wanted to run for selfish desires. To run for my own glory, to win prizes, to be recognized. And even til today, I’m still learning to use it for His glory. To run, so His love and message can be made known to everyone. Help us Lord!

Friday, 22 June
PM: 30mins ~ Bedok
Easy jog today to loosen the legs a little. Not much highlights.

Saturday, 23 June
AM: 91mins ~ TP to ECP
An easy long run today, with the first half covered in coversational pace. Thanks LuiHua, for hearing me out! Runs are much easier, with company. Though it was the same old route, time passed faster this time. And for the second half of the run, things started to hurt bad. Long run done, proper.

Happy Saturday! 🙂

Sunday, 24 June
Kind of feeling ‘off’ today. St. Hilda’s outreach, which gave the kids to gather again. Good to see them, and also it’s the last day of their term break. School’s up tomorrow.

. . . . .

July is arriving soon. To be honest, I’m actually feeling a little upset.  5 more Sundays, and I consider myself ‘detached’ from the world. Into NS, and a whole new adaptation to take place. Adaptation to people, to the environment, and whatever challenges that throw itself at me. Great, why am I getting all, emotional.

Whatever time is left, cherish it, and make full use of it. Do what I have to do. Get it done, run the race with no regrets.

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