Weekly Summary: 23 July – 29 July 2012

Monday, 23 July
PM: 45mins w/up, 1km intervals, 20mins c/down ~ Bedok Reservoir
Legs feeling quite okay despite not doing a cool down after yesterday’s race. First loop around reservoir with Shankar was good. Wanted to go out hard initially, but thought that was quite meaningless if I was to run by myself, so instead tried to pace him along and he did well! Legs felt quite good so I went for a second ‘serving’. Since I’m done racing and preparing for enlistment, coach gave me some pacing duties! The juniors are quite strong actually. They kept a faster pace than what coach asked for. Yea if they’re willing to work hard, I don’t see how we can’t be a challenge to other teams.

Met a friendly stranger during cool down and had a brief chat with him. Cool guy, heading to New York for the NYC Marathon, and he just completed a 20km+ run at the reservoir. Cheers, all the best for your race! The running community is amazing. Thank You Jesus! ๐Ÿ™‚

Tuesday, 24 July
Took the day off today for the legs to recover. Got the army stuffs ready, and wow, time really flies. Enlisting in less than a weeks’ time. Whatever comes, I still got to trust in God’s plan and seek Him! No excuses.

Wednesday, 25 July
PM: 45mins w/up, Drills & Plyo, 20mins c/down ~ TP Track
Quite an easy day today considering the amount of work done. But the warmup killed me a little. The legs felt so so bad I almost wanted to give up (haven’t felt like this in a long while). I felt like I couldn’t move them as fluidly and that feeling is just terrible. Felt quite bad throughout until the cooldown. Cracked some jokes, and am going to miss times like this.

Coke’s last training today and he is enlisting next Tuesday. Going to miss you buddy! Always remember in the past, where we always paced each other. He called me his personal ‘GPS’, and we’d always knock 100seconds per lap around the track consistently. Really enjoyed those days with him! All the best! ๐Ÿ˜€

Thursday, 26 July
AM: 61mins ~ ECP
Morning run was not that great. Legs weren’t too fine but it was done anyways!

Thank you.

Friday, 27 July
Took some time off today from running and spent some quality time with brother Jason. It’s been awhile.

“What would Jesus do?”

Saturday, 28 July
AM: 2hours ~ ECP
Unplanned 2hour run. It was definitely painful in the beginning, but things got smoother as the run progressed. Saw the tri team training at ECP and it’s really encouraging to know that others are working hard, early in the morning! This, is the last long run.

God was so real this morning! I was running on the park connector and I saw that there was a really hot and sunny path right ahead. So I spoke to God and asked if He could shade it for me. Then I heard a voice telling me, “Close your eyes, and trust Me.” And so I did. I kept running, and it felt cooling, like as if I was still running in the shade. Then I opened my eyes, and saw that the path was actually shaded! It’s so amazing that God wants to be involved even in little things like this if we choose to allow Him to be involved. Don’t believe? Try Him. ๐Ÿ™‚

Sunday, 29 July
Happy Birthday, to myself. ๐Ÿ™‚

Feel so so so blessed today. God is so good, to have placed these people in my life, to encourage me. And I’m really thankful for all your kind wishes and prayers. Enlistment is coming soon, and I know God will use me. I just need to take that step of faith, to be willing to be used by Him. The tasks may seem overwhelming, but if I allow, Jesus can do all things through me! ๐Ÿ˜€

. . . . .

This week was quite packed so I ran less. Busy preparing for enlistment, physically, mentally, and spiritually. Well, if God is with me, He’s all I need yea!

Once again I really want to thank God for who He is, and all He’s done for me (and you). I can’t stop saying how good He is, because that’s a fact! For all that we are, we are undeserving, but He things otherwise. Where do you find such love?! THANK YOU JESUS! ๐Ÿ˜€

This will be the last log because I won’t be training at this level at intensity anymore (not in the near future). Looking back, it’s really such a miracle. Those double sessions, or 3-hour long runs, seemed so impossible. To even think of myself running 25 laps around the track is already so overwhelming given the background I used to have. Surely, it is not me, but God working through me. Yes, there were up times, and down times, but this journey has been fulfilling. To look back and see the hand of God moving in my life, I feel so privileged to just be used by Him, that He even calls me worthy.

If you haven’t, you NEED to experience God, first-hand.

Thank you for reading.

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